okay.. i noe im a bit late.. but wat da heck...
woo hoo... and uh.. oh bout nic's party on merdeka eve.. yea we had fun.. uh.. we met nic's family... and they're all drinkers.. except for sum elders... yea... and uh.. ling, sue zen, alvin, matt and zern were there...
all of us juz had this kinda same expression when we reached nic's grenparent's hse.. its was.. "WHOA!*jaw drops*".. coz da gate was so freakin tall.. its like twice da height of a normal gate... and uh.. a bit freaky.. so skip skip skip... oh yah.. we found bats outside da window upstairs... yah.. and da poo was everywhere on da wall.. yucks!!! oh.. and we listen to quite lods of stuff dat happened when nic was staying there..
sz had 2 and 1/2 glasses of wine.. and she was a bit the ozzy.. and uh.. zern had 5 glasses but he was okay... not till he drank dat vodka coke.. it reali hit him... yah.. puke and dizziness.. till he had to sleep over at nic's hse.. and uh.. me, nic, ling, jon and zern had to squeez in nic's room.. coz zern and jon didnt wana leave.. so uh.. they stole da mat dat i was suppose to sleep on and oh well.. ling and nic got whole bed/mattres for themselves... we couldnt sleep till 5.. had mcds at 3 and found out dat sm, krys and teow were at mcds in their pjs at 2 sumthing.. so.. zern and nic slept 1st... and me, jon and ling stayed up till 7 and we juz dozed off...
ahh... today... we had this stupid gerak gempur bm test which nobody cares.. and uh... i think i flunk my paper 2.. and uh.. yah... yisan gave me a nice bracelet as my belated b'day present... and ling didnt come to skul again.. and we're gona haf another english test tomoro... nic, sz, su may and matt arent goin to skul.. naw!!! uh oh yah.. zern look terrible in da skul pants... and yucky zhi li was sitting next to me.. coz he changed place wif yatie who was sitting next to me.. but lucky we had to seperate da table for da test.. ewww!!!! >.< stupid douglas always ignore me! and ahh...
krys goin bak to uk soon.. haihz.. time flies.. and pmr is getting closer!!! eek!!!