Sri KDU's Swimming Gala was on, its the day WE ( me, mayy & the guys) have been waiting for or planned.
So lets start with <the day that WE have been waiting for or planned>.
Here goes...
Just visit yingling's livejournal.
Too lazy to retell everything that happened.
Oh yeah let me tell you who got "injured" during the party::
Sumay - bruises on her hip and her knee
Kendrick - scratches on his arm which bled a bit in the pool.
Jian Wai - ahh. scratched his toe ( i think ) which also bled.
Tze Chiang - uh. muscle cramp?
Duar - same situation as Chiang.
Me - bumped into Zern, result in bruise near eye (which caused my eye to be one bigger than the other on sunday morning. T_T)
Wei Jiunn - something went wrong with his leg ( i think)
the others - not a clue o_O
Swimming gala ::
Well i didn't go cause SOMEONE didn't wanna wake up until Zern calls her. So yeah. Heard that Tai Yang and some guy pushed mr. Zac into the pool with the help of ms. Kalai which result in mr. Zac's phone and car keys damaged and also a soaked wallet. Poor thing. Oh yeah congrates to all winners of the swimming gala and also to Yellow house for beating Green house and got 3rd place. WOOT!
Oh yeah. Guess what?! I got nominated for the Student of the Year awards thingy. How pathetic. Apparently the chose us according to how well we did in our mid year. Which i was a bit lucky. So yeah. Besides, i didnt even represent the school to do anything nor did i represent for my sport house during sports day. Well at least i helped out during open day which the LIQUID NITROGEN ICE-CREAM thingy. XD