Hey peeps, lemme ask you something. The MABECS checking session for my personal statement was set on the 10th of October but has recently been postponed to the 24th. Is that a good thing?? And guess what?? I'm still not done with my personal statement. How amazing.. Great.. -___- Its so hard to write an essay after not writing one for almost half a year already. Thiss sucks. T_T I bet YingLing and Krys are freee now cause they're done with theirs. I know I don't have the right to sulk since its my fault for not starting it early. Oh well. I shall keep quiet bout it. >_<
Oh yeah, I have screwed up my Chemistry test paper last friday and I had Mechanics test right after that. Sigh. AND I forgotten to bring my Chemistry pratical book, which was needed in class. I thought my day was gonna be bad since it didn't start off well. But visiting the orphanage had partly made my day. x) Yes, I went to the orphanage and it wasn't my first experience. Well, actually I wasn't sure if its an orphanage. You see, one of my friend talked to this boy there and apparently he said he was gonna go home in December and that his sister was already home. o____o Weird?? I know.
Khyeren has some of the pictures from the trip. Next time, Ying should take her own pictures, rather than stealing from nice people like Khyeren. -_- Yeahhh I would, if I own a camera. Sadly I don't. And I feel like getting a PDA phone. SueAnn suggested me to get the HTC one. Any recommendations?
Bloooody derivatives and integrals of trigo functions has gotten on my nerves today. I'm not satisfied for not being able to solve the freakin' problems. BOOOOO. However, food has never failed to cheered me up. x) Wonders of food. Yummmm. As a matter of fact, I'm feeling a weee bit hungry nowww. Teeeheeee. Not to worry, I ain't gonna eat since I have 2 annoying "mosquitoes" who constantly tells me that I am fat/chubby/whatever-word-that-relates-to-fat and that I need to work out. -____- Why I chose moquitoes? No idea. Probably cause I find them as annoying as flies but not as disgusting.
Talk about randomness. Found this picture in my phone.
Note: same dummy used in Matt's campaigne when he was running for Financial director post of the student council.