Should I say that I'm quite unlucky this month? or the past 2 weeks.
2 weeks ago, my dear nike watch died on me. It was perfectly fine until one morning 2 weeks ago and the whole thing went black out. Sigh!
Last week, my phone died on me. I had to use my sister's phone for the whole week. And my uncle just told me that my battery spoiled cause I overcharged it. Stupid battery and it is MADE IN KOREA!! And I had to deal with 4 ulcers in my mouth. So, I didn't get to eat much when I was back in Alorstar. T_T (Yes, to me, EAT comes first, then visit my maternal relatives comes second. x) )
Today, I just got a dozen of mosquito bites (they weren't even from mosquito-ville.) -_- And I just witnessed a mini tornado. What the hell is this girl talking about? Is she nuts?! There aren't any mini-tornadoes or what-so-ever in Malaysia. Oh yes there is and it just happened today and I saw it! o_o Too bad no pictures. So I had to draw it out. x)
Doodle time!
That's the car window btw and the (brown) dots are stuff from the soil. o__o Anyway, I spotted the mini-tornado and I told everyone in the car.
My aunt: Oh! Cyclone!
My sister: Ahhh no.. cyclone is in the sea. -_- (whatever)
My dad: its a tornado.
My mum and I: *stare*Thats me and my mum... still staring... Too lazy to draw other people in the car and the one in front is the driver. o_o
That is to indicate how small the mini-tornado is. And that is a picture of a rope tornado.
Phew! What an experience when the car was going under the tornado. And yes those tiny dots hit my car. Thank god no scratches or cracks. It was a bit scary. Although that thing is so puny compared to the huge ones. And of all places, that mini-tornado formed right outside Alorstar, like few meters past the toll. Hmm.
Okay. I've wasted 4 hours of my day in the car and Imma go do my work now! x)
P.S I might be getting a blackberry to replace my precious mickey phone!! Yay!!